The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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BOOK 1 ...FUTURE SYSTEMS by Mark T. Nadir... Page $$$
1 In the opening chapter (chapter 1) three analogies were offered. (The
third one having two variants.) As was stated in chapter 1, the first
analogy was an analogy of a point to point communications code sys
tem. The second analogy was an analogy of a Mass-Access code commun
ications system. The third analogy was an analogy of the basic prin
ciples of Positional Transduction Methodology. The second half of the
analogy employed a turntable (or wheel) to illustrate how many sub
scribers can simultaneously co-share the the transmission path. This
analogy introduces the Reader to the Mass-Access operation of Posit
ional Transduction Methodology.
2 Chapter 2 is devoted to examining of the analogies already presented,
and drawing some (non-obvious ?) conclusions regarding them. Some of
the discussion will center around what these analogies mean in terms
of hardware. But, what is more important, what these analogies mean
in terms of concepts. These, and a few other items, will comprise the
contents of this chapter.
3 In order to speak english, in order to explain clearly, words must be
used. But, words offer problems which words alone cannot correct.
There is a constant reference, throughout this text, (especially in
Book 1) to "systems". The term appears and re-appears with great fre
quency. It cannot be evaded except at the expense of either becoming
"wordy" or evasive! The word "system" is NOT to taken to mean a phy
sical system or something that can be turned into a physical system.
The system that is meant is the conceptual system. This must be borne
in mind by the reader since repeating it is boring, anoying and also,
possibly insulting. In later Books real, i.e hardware, systems will
be discussed.
4 The first analogy offered was that of a point to point communications
system. A typical system of this sort is the ordinary radio link.
This was the first kind of radio system put to use. Broadcast systems
followed not long afterwards. The second analogy is that of another
type of code system - the multiplexer and switching computer. These
are the "Mass-Access" Systems and are presently in common use as the
"long distance" systems employed by the telephone ("Bell") systems,
now AT&T.
5 While the analogy, that of a multiplicity of endless belts terminat
ing on and originating from the main belt, is an analogy of a multi
plexing and switching system, this analogy might only be clear to
those who are intimately familiar with modern communications systems.
Systems engineers will immediately understand that the analogy ap
plies only to one of the two directions in which data must be trans
mitted. It might not be equally obvious to non-specialist that data
must be transmitted in both directions. This might not have been ob
vious before but, it should be now.
6 The wafers which represented code had to have the character they were
representing written on them by the operators, as was mentioned in
the first two analogies in the previous chapter. The waferes repre
sent, of course, code characters. Code characters are precisely what
is transmitted overtly over the transmission path in code transmis
sions. NOTHING ELSE IS USUALLY TRANSMITTED in point to point commun
ications systems. In Mass-Access Code Systems, addresses might appear
briefly in the Header Section of the frame, but, the bulk of the
transmission is in code.
7 An exception is a code system that is relatively rarely used. In that
system the subscriber's address is first transmitted; the address is
then immediately followed by a code character. This "mini-trans
mission" is then immediately followed by another such "transmission"
- except that the address is that of another subscriber (i.e. address
and code characters alternate) In this way many subscribers can be
supplied with service. No analogy for this type of code system ap
pears in the previous chapter. Such systems are considered herein as
point to point systems. Their shortcoming is the fact that such code
systems require about twice the bandwidth of other code systems......
and bandwidth costs money.
8 The foregoing establishes that there are really two fundamental types
of code systems. In the first group data (code) is the explicit item.
In these systems code appears explicitly on the transmission path and
can, therefore, be directly observed (by an oscilloscope). In this
group there are two types of systems:-
[1] The point to point systems and
[2] The Mass-Access systems.
The Mass-Access transmissions are composed of two types of data:- [a]
code data and [b] "header". The first is comprised of codes and the
second is comprised (mainly) of addresses. In these Mass-Access sys
tems information is transmitted intermittently, i.e. code is alter
nated with "header". A synchronizing signal (the "sync" signal) is
required and appears immediately ahead of the "header".
9 In point to point systems the ONLY thing that is transmitted is code.
(In the special systems mentioned in paragraph 8 codes characters al
ternate with addresses.) In both of these systems only explicit data
appears on the transmission path. There is no implicit data to sent.
In such systems data can be directly sent from one subscriber to an
other. In the "broadcast" mode a large number of receptors can
"listen-in". (When there is no specific receptor point to point sys
tems are become "broadcast systems") The important thing to note
about such code systems is that there is ONLY explicit data. That is,
all the data can be observed with an oscilloscope.
10 In Mass-Access systems, the multiplexer, during the course of the in
terval known as the Data Section (wherein code is transmitted) there
are actually two forms of information being sent. (The same is not
true of the interval in which the "Header Section" is present.) Dur
ing the Data Section codes appear in explicit form upon the transmis
sion path. The code appears in "slots" which might be of any length.
(One bit slots are usual.) While each slot might carry one or more
explicit bits of code, each slot is also conveys the address of a
subscriber in explicit form. The address is implicit in the slot's
location within the frame. (The specific address was given in the
Header Section.) THEREFORE, the Data Section conveys two distinct
forms of data: [1] the overt or explicit data represented by the code
and [2] the implicit data represented by the slot's number. The im
plicit address (which appears in explicit form in the Header Section)
is due to the fact that the switching computer (associated with the
multiplexer and de-multiplexer) assigns each slot to a specific sub
scriber, for a period determined mainly by the duration of the call.
Therefore, each and every slot is an implicit address that can never
be observed (as such) by an oscilloscope.
11 The wafers (of the anaolgy) have to be written upon by the operator.
That is because each wafer represents a character which varies from
moment to moment. The characters transmitted must be ones chosen from
the "character-sets" in use. Any character which is not part of such
a character-set cannot be transmitted. Character-sets are chosen to
contain 2n characters where "n" can be any number. "n" characters are
employed because that is the most cost effective mode of using code.
"n" commonly varies between 4 and 9 for communications systems and
between 14 and 18 for "musical" systems.
12 Analogies for Positional Transduction Methodology systems also appear
in the previous chapter. They appears in two parts, the first one
using the endless belt analogy which was then changed to the large
rotating wheel anaology. In the first instance the endless belt has
characters written on it. This does not represent any real system. It
is given to help "orient" the reader. And - the reader's first
reaction PROBABLY might be:- "it is very wasteful". And so it is - as
shown. Moreover, it is difficult to impossible to implement. (The aim
is not to show an efficient method but to get the reader to
comprehend the basic methodology employed - efficient or not. Later
{mostly in Book 2} we will concern ourselves with "efficiency."
13 In the second PTM analogy, where the belt contains no (printed) char
acters. The anaology approximats a more nearly real situation. There,
the endless belt still contains "lines" to separate nest from nest.
The reader must understand that these are merely "visual aids" for
our imaginary operators. They (the lines) have no real counterpart in
an actual system since there is no need for them. In this analogy the
operator merely places a wafer in the nest which "represents" the
character being transferred, writing thereon is unnecessary.
14 Note that what appears on the transmission path (the belt) is a wafer
which represents an address, that of the belt's one and only recept
or. Since the endless belt has only one receptor, the address is none
specific since it is not addressed to anyone specifically. The belt
represents a transmission path over which the "ones" and "zeros"
compising the ADDRESSES flow. (The "ones" are the wafers). The "one"
in this case is the Marker, i.e. the means of denoting that THAT NEST
is the conveyer of message data. The nests containing zeros have no
to convey, they are empty.
15 The drums which appear in the analogies are analogues of actual hard
ware devices that appears in the hardware allocated to each subscrib
er. This hardware device indicates to the subscriber's equipment ex
actly what nest is present at each and every moment just as the drum
indicates to the operator just what letter each nest represents. Both
of the foregoing indicate in EXplicit form what each nest represents.
This indication is occasionally referred to herein as the "nest's
16 The analogy wherein the wheel is employed is a more "realistic" anal
ogy. Here, each subscriber (operator) has a pile of different colored
wafers to chose from. The color of the wafer determines who its
receptor will be. In other words, the color of the chip is an address
of a receptor. As before, each operator places a wafer in the nest
which represents the character that that operator wants the receptor
to receive. (The operators are all entering data into the nests si
multaneously.) The rules prohibit an operator from entering a wafer
into a nest which is already occupied or removing some else's wafer.
(Erasures are illegal.) The rules also require that each operator
must remove the wafers directed to him (or her), i.e. those of the
operator's color must be removed. (This prevents the same wafer from
going around on the wheel and thereby being repeatedly read.) These
rules permit the wheel to SIMULTANEOUSLY convey data from many orig
inating subscribers to many receptor subscribers. This analogy, is in
effect, the "primitive" model of A Positional Transduction Method
ology system.
17 If we examine the analogy of the wheel we discover the following. The
only observable data are the addresses (which appear as different
colored wafers.) Therefore, the only explicit data that appears on
the transmission path are addresses. Since the address of a receptor
only conveys the fact that the particular nest wherein it occurs con
tains data for the addressed receptor , it is information. But it IS
explicit data. The address does not transmit information (even if its
location does). The information is implicit in the wafer's position.
The data is a derived quality, i.e. an item of information extracted
from the location of an address.
18 The foregoing permits us to classify systems on the the basis of both
the type of data they transmits and the data they imply. Therefore,
classification is made in terms of [1] explicit and [2] implicit
data. Classification has now been reduced to just two major paramet
ers: [1] Explicit and [2] Implicit!
19 Now, two things can be taken itemized in precisely four mathematical ways.
[1] The system employs only explicit data. This corresponds
to point to point code systems;
[2] The system employs explicit data (codes) and implicit ad
dresses. This corresponds to multiplexed/switched systems
(Mass-Access code systems);
[3] The system employes explicit addresses, and implicit in
formation. Such systems correspond to Positional Trans
duction Methodology systems.
[4] The system employs implicit addresses and implicit inform
ation types of systems which are not discussed herein.
(They might be described and discussed in my future books
- if any.)
20 These four comprise all possible types of systems. (Not their modes
of implementation.)
21 In items [1] & [2] of paragraph 19, we can observe that the form that
the data takes in these classes of systems is always the explicit
form. There might be an occasional address also, but it too is ex
plicit. But, in Mass-Access code systems when explicit addresses oc
cur they are instructions to the multiplexers or the switching com
puters. The are not employed by the subscribers nor by the subscrib
er's equipment.
22 An exception occurs in code systems which send an address followed by
a code character. These systems do not convey any implicit data. The
result is that they are even more inefficient than any other forms of
code systems. They waste the space that might be usefully employed by
implicit data while simultaneously using additional explicit space to
convey the extra data. (The extra data might be regarded as either
the address or the code or both.)
23 In the third system (item [3] of paragraph 19) the explicit data are
"Tags" we have come to know as addresses. (Tag is the corrrect gener
ic term.) And Tags, as we shall see, are instructions of many differ
ent kinds. (Each type of Tag is assigned its own name.) These Tags
are employed by the Positional Transduction Methodology systems in
various different manners. A large number of very unusual and useful
ly systems are permitted by these Tags. And what is a bit more, these
systems are very efficient and flexible.
24 In Positional Transduction Methodology systems, implicit data is man
ipulated in a great many very different fashions. The Tags employed
by Positional Transduction Methodology can be treated as software
elements and manipulated by a special form of programming. This lends
a software quality to these systems. This treatment permits a very
large number of different systems and technologies to exist which
share the same common basis. We will learn about a few of these sys
tems. (We cannot study them all since about 30! modes are known -
As many different types of data can be simultaneously transferred
as could possibly be desired. There results a degree of flexibility
which undreamed of in code systems. AND, it is accomplished with very
little hardware. And, as a bonus, with this comes the fact that many
fewer bits are required to achieve the same amount to data transfer
/transmission expected of codes.
25 In course of studying Positional Transduction Methodology systems the
reader may find that s/he is also learning new things about code sys
tems. One system throws light on the other. Normally, it is very dif
ficult to distinguish a system from the code with which it is imple
mented. The two are all too frequently confused one with the other.
After studying the material presented in these books, the reader will
find it much easier to separate the two.
26 Whey back when the telegraph system was first invented and built (by
Gauss) it was a big flop commercially. That makes sense (but not
cents) when we reflect that Gauss was more interested in the science
which consisted of discovering the fundamental nature of something
than in the "science" of making money. The money making business was
left to Mr. S. Morse. Mr. Morse might have known of the work of Fred
rick Gauss, they lived about the same time.
27 As inventions go, the telegraph was not much. The hardware was known
and available. But, Morse knew how to get money. He did make one very
real contribution - the invention of "morse code". That invention was
most probably considered trivial because the trivializers said it was
obvious. (Its always obvious AFTERWARDS.) THAT invention has been
with us ever since, and in many forms. It is so obvious that many
(i.e. most) Engineers (engin Ears?) and pro-fessors believe it is the
will still believe IT after reading this text. Things will remain
that way until the generation now in charge dies off. Therefore:-
this text is directed to the open minded, those who are willing to
investigate and explore new ideas and concepts. And that means mostly
the young in body, mind and/or spirit.
28 Morse code has undergone several changes since it was first invented.
Most of these were made in order to "adjust" the code to accommodate
machines. There can be no doubt of their success in this regards. In
the process the fundamental nature of the code concept was lost. It
was changed from an invented concept to a firm and almost religious
belief which demeans it. Challenge it and watch "peep holes" turn red
and white with rage while they show their "impartial", thoughtful and
logical attitudes!
29 Our impartial "science" is run by those who have a vested interest in
"things as they are", i.e. in having their bread buttered on both
sides. (See James Branch Cabell) These big anti-science "scientists"
steal from their "subordinates" (?!) who are in no position to defend
themselves; they need their jobs, promotions, and advancement to MR.
Big (pig). Also, the Corporations ARE interests in "things as they
now are". Progress is nice a word. It is worshiped on Sundays or on
Sundaes when nobody (who is anybody) works. It is wholly unholy and
30 This BOOK describes and discusses FUTURE SYSTEMS. These are the sys
tems, and concepts which are the stuff of progress is made of. [Par
don my ego.] Those who "have it made" will (and possibly should)
hate it, passionately. Those of you who are young in mind, those of
you who want and who will make progress will have to be the new van
guard. Ilook to you.
31 Under this heading things are said which cannot be proven - now. They
require the knowledge which is presented later in these BOOKS. And
are, therefore, unprovable - now. ALL such statements are boasts.
32 There are some things that you should be told now which cannot be now
proven until later. Without this information you might just put this
book aside and forget it because you need some reason to go on. There
must be some justification for spending considerable of your valuable
time reading (really studying) a difficult text. (New concepts are
always difficult.)
33 A reason why these systems must be implemented is because we are run
ning out of resources: including the financial resourses wherewith to
pay the bills.. (But, no one cares about THAT.) There are other such
as the fact that there is a great deal of money to be made, by you.
These systems:-
[1] Use very much less materials (scarce and otherwise) than
the conventional systems they aim to displace;
[2] For example, they use 0.3 to 2 percent of the materials
required by conventional telephone systems;
[3] And consequently they cost much less to build. operate and
[4] They can out-perform code systems in every major regard.
For example, in communications systems:-
{a} More data can be conveyed over a given bandwidth
by Positional Transduction Methodology systems
than can any code system;
{b} More services can be provided than is possible
with code systems (economically);
{c} The "complexity" of Positional Transduction
Methodology systems is very low;
{d} Dedicated lines are unnecessary which makes remote
control practical, i.e. inexpensive;
{e} etc.
34 Some examples of possible usage are:-
[1] Communications systems. (see above)
{a} Mass-Access (telephone) systems;
{b} Point to Point (radio, satellite, microwave,
interplanetary, broadcast, etc)
[2] Digital recording systems for data and music. (Much more
data on a given length of tape, higher sampling rates, etc.)
Simultaneously recording of thousands of channels are easy
to make. (No theoretic upper limit! with only relatively
minor increase in hardware)
[3] Traffic Flow Control Systems. (Far more capability with
far less hardware.)
[4] Control Systems. (Control over a vast number of items or
parts, production lines, etc.)
[5} Computational Systems. (Entirely new types of computational
machines. All are capable of parallel processing. Throughputs
in excess of 1020 operations (not bytes) per second are
easily possible. And very much more.
[6] Hybrid of the above are easily built.
35 Now that you have been introduced (take a bow) to Positional Trans
duction Methodology, we can take the time (and space) to delve into
some other matters which must be brought to your attention before the
DEEP (?!) technical discussions begin. The next three chapter might
seem to you to be a waste of time. But, there is material in them
which you must know if all that follows is be readily understood.
Chapter 1 and 2 should have given you a very slight idea of the
material which will follow.